Canine & Small Animal

dog canine vet physio massage

Why your dog might need to see a Physio?

  • Are they struggling to get up or down the stairs?
  • Do they seem stiff after their walks, or becoming reluctant to walk as far as they used to?
  • Do you notice them limping or stiff after vigorous activity?
  • Do they dislike you touching them whilst resting or show signs of trying to move away from you or of upset when you go to touch certain areas?
  • Are they a performance dog who has lost performance or not quite reaching your next level?
  • Are they lacking muscle in some areas or over muscled in others?
  • Do they have a slightly “odd” movement you can’t quite put your finger on?
  • Do they struggle getting in or out of the car or dislike car journeys?
  • Do they sit or lie down more often than they used to, and/or sleep more?

Any of these signs (and many more) can be a sign your dog would benefit from physical therapy! They can be signs of discomfort in areas signifying underlying pathology and/or weakness and pain.

The Process

  • Complete initial assessment where a history is taken, comprehensive information on management, and static and dynamic assessment as well as full palpation
  • Treatment is then based on my findings where I use combinations of light/LASER therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, NMES, heat therapy, massage, range of motion and stretches
  • For any follow up sessions I compare to the previous times and reassess to ensure if I can continue with the current plan or need to adjust
  • You will be provided with a report on findings and exercise suggestions, as-well-as a report for your vet if necessary

Unsure what you need? Contact me for a FREE 15minute consultation to discuss!

“Aiming to enhance healing and optimise physical function”
dog with physio shoulder range of motion check

Initial Consultation (1hour)


This is the first session. Includes case history, static and dynamic assessment, therapy session, discussion of treatment plan

Follow-up Session (45mins)

£45 Clinic
/ £50 Freelance

Includes follow up consultations and therapy session based on individual requirements

RRE Plan


A 4 week rehabilitation plan will be written with consultation from your vet (£10). I am available to carry out some of this plan, price includes plan and 1 practical session (£30). Follow up sessions at extra cost

Sporting Dog Biomechanical Assessment and Treatment (1hour 30mins)


For sporting dogs it is imperative to truly understand their strengths and weaknesses at an in depth level. This includes 1 physio session, biomechanical kinematic assessment report and 4week exercise programme

Static & Dynamic Assessment

contact for price

An online static and dynamic assessment of your dog, providing a report and rehabilitative exercise plan.

See online services tab for the range of options

The Work Behind the Session

It may seem like the cost is just for the time during your session, but vet physio sessions for companion animals and horses it includes:

  • Veterinary liaison
  • Report writing for you and your vet if required
  • Travel to and from the session
  • Treatment (including static and dynamic assessment, range of motion assessment, muscular palpation, and treatment with manual techniques and electrotherapies)
  • Exercise prescription formation
  • Aftercare contact when required 

You are not just paying for the session, but all that goes with it. As-well-as the peace of mind of hiring a well qualified, regulated, and insured professional. 


“Four Amigos Vet Physio assessed my 1 year old retriever cross Bailey. Keeping him calm in a strange environment, while he was being assessed in areas of discomfort for him,  maintaining professionalism and talking me through what was going on and the findings in real time. Chloe provided some strengthening exercises and brilliant advice and pushed us to see a vet, and then get a second opinion which resulted in a diagnosis so he can get the right treatment for his condition. Highly recommend! Can’t thank her enough for all she has done and her commitment to following up with us regularly.” – Vicky